Education In The Bahamas Essay

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The Bahamas is a developing country located southeast of Florida. It is a group of islands located in the Atlantic Ocean. The country contains a population of 378,040 people. About 82.95 percent of that population is urban. Whereas 17.05 percent of the population is rural. The government consists of a Constitutional Democracy, therefore the structures, powers and limits of the government are set in place within a constitution. As for the leader of the government, Queen Elizabeth is the head of state. About 1.4 percent of the land in the Bahamas is currently cultivated. The major crops grown include onion, okra, tomato, grapefruit, and cucumber. As for the climate it is often warm, humid, and sunny with average temperatures of about thirty…show more content…
Ranging from infants to senior citizens everybody has an equal accessibility to the care they need. Education is available for all children to take advantage of. Unfortunately many children do not take advantage as most drop out and do not finish school. Graduation rates are not high. Even with the access to healthcare and education many families still struggle with some major barriers. Those barriers include the cost of nutritious foods as well as low paying jobs. If someone only brings in about four dollars and hour it is very difficult to buy groceries for the week. Never mind buying healthier foods that are more expensive than unhealthy foods. A major problem that the citizens of the Bahamas deal with is dietary diseases. More specifically their major disease is obesity. Obesity is defined as the condition of being very fat or overweight, Approximately 64 percent of women and 50 percent of men in the Bahamas are overweight or obese. As for children under the age of twenty, 19 percent of boys and 30 percent of girls are overweight or obese. These numbers are drastically large. Unfortunately for the Bahamas these numbers have risen from the past and continue to

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