Ebonics In English

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Ebonics and Academics English: Can They Co-exist? Ebonics (Ebony Phonics) has some say been around as long as there have been slaves in English speaking countries. However it was not given the name Ebonics until 1973 as a means of replacing the term “Nonstandard Negro English.” (Rickford, n.d.) Ebonics made its appearance in our terminology when the Oakland school board facing low scores and realizing that the majority of their students were black decided that they were going to lobby for extra funding and attempt to replace academic English with Ebonics in the classroom. As you are going to read in the papers below there was and still is a great deal of skepticism in both the linguistic community, on the street and in the black community.…show more content…
(n.d.). Ebonics and the Politics of English. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Retrieved from http://www.english.illinois.edu/-people-/faculty/debaron/402/402readings/baronebonics.pdf In this paper Professor Baron has created a paper which is required reading for his course “Descriptive English Grammar.” While the first six pages delve into the history it is starting at page 7 that the paper gains importance as he outlines the role that Ebonics plays not only in language but also in race, education, economics and numerous other areas of linguistics importance. He outlines the reasons behind scholars in California wanting it and those that are opposed leaving his students and other readers with the ability to derive based on the facts that he presents their own conclusions. His basic tenet of the book is that while there may be a difference in the language there is a greater difference in how some people even African Americans both at the time of writing and in the past have viewed “black” English. The amount of detail from various points of view is the greatest strength of this paper and the fact that while I am sure he has a view on the subject it does not come out in any forceful means other than the fact that he definitely disagreed with the plan to make EBONICS a special language. The feeling that I as an EFL teacher take away from this paper is that Ebonics can be almost associated as a type of “Blinglish” more than and Ebonics…show more content…
(1998). The Ebonics controversy in my backyard: A sociolinguist's experiences and reflections. Retrieved April 4, 2015, from http://www.johnrickford.com/Writings/PapersAvailableOnline/TheEbonicsControversyinMyBackyard/tabid/1134/Default.aspx As a professor of Linguistics at Stanford University and member of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) who was involved almost from the beginning in the debate over the use of Ebonics in Oakland classrooms he gives a very thorough and eye opening account of what the “original plan” was. He takes us through a summarized journey outlining what he did to alleviate fears and present the correct information to everyone from the average person on the street to government officials to linguistics while also giving us a brief glimpse of the manufacturing of consent that print media at the time used to distort information and not allow the real viewpoint or reasoning to be read by people. There were a great deal of misconceptions then and now about the Ebonics controversy but, Professor Rickford explains them in this article in ways that make the use of Ebonics a sensible approach. He dispels the theory that Ebonics is just laziness on the part of the students and in fact is a vernacular of language that needs to be used and dissipated in the classroom. The plan that the media did not mention was that Ebonics was not to be the only language but it was to be a starting point to get students involved in learning the English language

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