Dulce Et Decorum Est Poetry Analysis

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In both Wilfred Owen’s poems; Dulce Et Decorum Est (pro patria mori) and Anthem for Doomed Youth, he conveys his and other soldiers terrifying experiences that are the Horrors of War. Owen’s poems portray his personal feelings about being a soldier in World War 1, the grim living conditions of being surrounded by death and suffering. He wanted readers to understand that War is not a glorified adventure, and by using effective language features he creates realistic imagery of what happened during that time. An effective language feature used in Wilfred Owen’s poem Dulce Et Decorum Est is a simile used to describe the way in which soldiers were crippled with fatigue so that they were ‘Bent double like old beggars under sacks’. This is a direct comparison of virile young men to old hags; the effect of this language feature shows readers that War is not a noble way to die but rather humiliating. The tone of this poem is sorrowful and forces readers to pity the strong young men that are reduced to a state…show more content…
The effects this language feature creates is that when reading it aloud readers are forced to mimic the gargling action which subtly makes them sympathize for the soldiers who are suffering tremendous pain due to the internal injuries from the gas attack. The tone of this stanza is filled with the panic and helplessness of the soldiers during an oncoming gas attack, it helps readers appreciate the terror the soldiers would have felt when faced with this situation. Owen’s use of this language feature intensifies the imagery brought on by the poem because readers will realise just how real what he described was by being reminded of the sounds that the words ‘gargling’ and ‘froth’ are imitating, this gives readers a subtle physical
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