Dr King Rhetorical Analysis

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IV. Topic Sentence: Dr. King applies pathos to persuade the audience by appealing to the audience’s sympathies or imagination. A. Dr. King uses vivid pictures of suffering to appeal to the reader’s emotion. His biggest appeal is the uses emotional appeals that families can associate with. B. For example, King states, ”Twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes…wait”(King 3). C. Dr. King emphasis and intensifies the message of the text by the repetition of when you. He also wants the readers to think in the shoes of the Negros; who had to answer to the questions of their innocent children that, colored people are discriminated as…show more content…
Through this example Dr. King gained the sympathy from the society by, describing the devastation that is bestowed on their race to wait for something that may never happen. He shows the emotional gravity of the situation and why it can longer be strung out. E. In addition, Dr. King also describes what Negros feel with the experience of injustice that their community faced which destroyed they hopes and dreams. F. For example, Dr. King states, “Our hopes had been blasted, and the shadow of deep disappointment settled upon us” (King 2). G. Dr. King refers to the human kindness from word hope, mainly by Whites in this statement. He talks about the disappointments he and his fellow people felt when the thought of human kind could do better and actually make a change in the society, actually never happened. Rather the faced, bombed Negros homes and churches and the brutal act of violence from the police toward defenseless and incapable African Americans. With the usage of the passionate language he describes the intense disappointment in desire of equality the Negros felt. H. This create emotion of despair, making the reader want to side with him and his cause of
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