My Fair Lady Congeniality

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Act Like a Lady Intertextuality is seen in the films My Fair Lady and Miss Congeniality. It is seen through the protagonists, the archetypes, and the antagonists in each film. Although the two main characters are in different time periods and dealing with different circumstances, both have similar qualities and experience related feelings which further enhance the intertextuality between the two films. Characters in the two films show intertextuality through their actions, words, and personalities. The two characters who show these traits are Eliza Doolittle and Gracie Hart; they also happen to both be the protagonists. Although the reasons behind their actions differ, both are striving for the same end result. Eliza desires to work in a flower shop but is unable due to how she speaks, so she must learn to be a lady. Eliza’s speech was so poor Henry, the one who aided in her transformation, says in My Fair Lady, “She’s so deliciously low, so horribly dirty”. Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality is undergoing a similar transformation and becoming a lady for her job. She is being entered in a beauty pageant in order to have undercover personnel back stage. Gracie is so lacking in proper lady skills, Victor, the man in charge of her…show more content…
Their archetype is the teacher. Henry Higgins, from My Fair Lady, is the teacher archetype because he literally is teaching Eliza Doolittle to act and speak correctly. At the end of My Fair Lady, he is astounded with the change, “Eliza, you’re magnificent. Five minutes ago, you were a millstone around my neck, and now you’re a tower of strength, a consort battleship. I like you this way”. This reflects in the second film as Victor Melling is Gracie Hart’s so-called teacher. He is teaching her to act in a lady-like manner for the stage. At the conclusion of Miss Congeniality, Victor is also in shock at the change in Gracie, “My God, I did

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