Documentary Film: The Blacks In Latin America

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The Blacks in Latin America is a documentary film about the influence that the African descent had on Latin America. It was produced by a Harvard researcher Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. The professor looked into six countries from Latin-American in the film. The countries include; Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Cuba, Peru, and Mexico. After watching the documentary film completely, it is clearly put to demonstrate how Africans have such condescension for their original African Heritage. It just happens because they have to understand why this happens; this phenomenon is well described as an outcome or the lasting effect of slavery in the ancient and recent years. One thing that any person may not have understood is that the United States…show more content…
The Professor from Harvard, Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was keen to mention that "the common American does not have any idea of the vast number of blacks who came to their current home during the slave trade". Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. also shares that at the time when he was growing as a child to adulthood "talking matters on the subject of the slave trade was just to talk regarding the experience of our ancestors in the U.S., but as it happened to be the real African experience took place in another place". The slave trade that took place in Latin America was a lot more immense than the one in the United States of America. Between the years 1502 and 1866, approximately 11.2 million Africans were taken to the New World of slavery. Of those 11.2 million human beings, only 450,000 of them were taken to Colonial America. The remaining numbers of the extra 1,075,000 Africans were all taken to Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil as a country has the second largest population of black people in the whole…show more content…
Firstly, the author is keen to note that slaves in Brazil have often had more tolerable lives than slaves in other countries. The Portuguese language is often spoken by all slaves and their dialects are intended to remain dormant on arrival to Brazil until they are quite likely to be forgotten. The masters often initiate their habits to the slaves, and they are meant to adapt to the customs without compulsion. A Brazilian slave is also often taught the religion of his master, notwithstanding the impure state in which the Christian Church exists within that country and also the slaves must be guided by his masters will. The slaves must strictly observe all religious ceremonies so as to prove good to their servants. The Africans taken to Brazil from Angola are often baptized in lots before leaving the shore. On arriving in Brazil, they are forced to learn the doctrines of the Churches of their

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