Divorce: A Rhetorical Analysis

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What is divorce? Divorce according to dictionary.com “Is a judicial declaration dissolving a marriage in whole or in part, which releases the marriage partners from all matrimonial obligations”. However, divorce is more than that, for it also ends a family. Divorce in today’s American society is perceived as common. However, this does not mean that we as a society should not be concerned with how divorce affects children. On October 2, 1995 Marcia L. Lebowitz published an Article on divorce called, “Divorce and the American Teenager” in which she described how divorce affects not only what one considers to be teenagers, but also, children and young adults. The rhetorical situation of this article, was brought upon by the dilemma that not only is divorce much more common in America’s society, but also that, adults do not…show more content…
The rhetorical situation in which this genre emerged from, was the need to understand how divorce affects not only teenagers, but the divorcees children, regardless of age. This can be seen clearly by the fact that Marcia not only addresses how teenagers are affected by the divorce of their parents, but also preteens and college students; who she classifies as, young adults. For example, she states that, “Today’s teenagers are in a sense, the “children of divorce” (Lebowitz, 697),” The audience of this article was of those who wished to be informed about divorce and how it affects children. Marcia points out that, “There is no great deal of conclusive research about the effects of divorce on children, and there is even less about the effects of divorce on teenagers (Lebowitz, 695),” which means that she is summarizing research found on the effects of divorce on children for people who wish to know but aren’t aware. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to inform its selective audience about the effects divorce has on the children of divorcees and why it is important to know

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