Disparate Health Systems In The Bell Jar

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Health systems can be very alike or different in most places. Some of the different types of health systems can be especially seen in the novel. In The Bell Jar, there are two very disparate health systems that are seen and these health systems are complete opposites. With these two contrasting systems, there are definite pros and cons. Let's say that hospital A is the local hospital, such as in the novel. Hospital A (the local hospital) has pro’s of being cheaper. It is also closer to home and has the most likelihood of somebody knowing another person. That being said, knowing someone can also be a con, along with the most likelihood of the worst care, less room, and the standard hospital look (as in, the feeling of being overcrowded and less homey). Now let's say that that Hospital B is the private hospital in the novel. The pro’s to this situation is that there is often better care, there is a better chance of feeling more at home, and there is probably better food (which is ALWAYS…show more content…
In the novel, the narrator, Esther Greenwood says that she doesn't like the doctor at the local hospital and likes the private mental hospital better. By reading the book, the thoughts that just might pop up and the things that can easily be seen is that Sylvia Plath puts in definite details about how the private hospital is so much better and how the patient is better taken care of. One example of this is when Esther goes through shock therapy. Esther tells Dr. Nolan, her new female doctor at the private hospital. how the last doctor at the local hospital made shock therapy hurt and how it made her not want to do it again. Dr. Nolan replied with “”(Plath). So, as was stated in the first page, the level of care was a pro, and/or con to both

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