Differences Essay: The Different Characters Of Communicating Characteristics

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Communicating Characteristics By Gillum, Hayley As humans we all have different ways of communicating different things depending on the relationships we have with others. Whether it be verbal or nonverbal, there are certain characteristics that we either do or do not communicate to others. I asked some friends and family members to think of words that would describe me and why they think I communicate those specific traits. The five words that they helped me come up with were trustworthy, loyal, ambitious, honest, and optimistic. To be trustworthy is to be dependable and able to be relied on. I feel that I am a very trustworthy person because anytime a friend or family member needs me, I am there. I never go against their wishes and I feel as though I can be trusted with any kind of information that they give me. Part of being trustworthy is never doing something that you said you would never do. Communicating this characteristic is very important to me and I appreciate that family and friends agree…show more content…
Being loyal to someone is to always be completely supportive of them no matter what the situation. I always stand by my friends and family no matter what. I believe that being loyal to family is one of the most important things in life. Family is supposed to always support each other in everything and I think that my family does that incredibly. Ambition is something that I think I have also always been able to show through communication. It is the desire to be successful and I feel like I show this most through my ability to never give up on anything. I will keep trying until I am finally successful at what I am attempting to do. People around me can tell you that I desire to achieve great things in my life. The main goal I have in life right now is to complete college here at OU and then get into a med school. I believe I have the ambition and motivation to make this happen in my

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