Difference Between Kant And John Stuart Mill

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(a) Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill are the opposing philosophers Immanuel Kant’s work was based on the Grounding for Metaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mill based his views on utilitarianism .This papers is going to elaborate on their impact of their philosophy for humanity at large. DIFFERENCES OF ETHICS IN KANT AND MILL John Stuart Mill based his views on utilitarianism .He notes that one must do the greatest good for a greatest number on the other hand Kant is not for that idea .He argues that individuals must not be sacrificed for the majority; in other words the minority must not suffer at the expense of the majority. -all human beings are equal. Furthermore, John Stuart Mill values consequences .He argues that we must value consequences.…show more content…
Rousseau agues that a social contract would create classis within the society. Both Locke and Mill argue that people have to cede power to on authority.Mill states that one should to the greatest good for a greatest number. If the government fails to deliver political goods to the society the people have got right to throw the government out of office this is what Locke argues Rousseau states that a revolution will bring anarchy there mustn’t be a revolution…show more content…
For Kant a moral good is everyone’s mandate. Individual according to Kant are expected to do good all the time for the benefit of everyone .It is a duty for every individual to do good all the time .AS propounded by Kant before any action , a person should first consider the other person , for every action of an individual should benefit or should not conflict with the happiness of another person .Unlike Kant, Mill considered a collective approach ,whereby he focused more on the benefit of the greatest number of people .According to Mill ,it is the pleasure enjoyed by a greatest number of people that an action can be considered a moral good .Utility is considered a moral if it benefit a large number of people .The benefits which pleasures the people is the sole determinate of the morality of that action

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