Destructions Of Memory

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Many countries since the beginning of time have known war and have almost recovered from it. Those violent events have left physical marks on buildings and on cities. Buildings have been shattered and transformed into dust, many cultural monuments have disappeared and many cities have laid in ruins. The destructions of war have brought major impacts to the reconstructions and development of cities and societies. It has brought many consecutive events that have changed many cultures. The history of conflicts is a vital part to acknowledge in order to understanding the present. History is important to grasp; it is the study of evidence-based events that have occurred in the past for an extended period of time. As Christine Boyer an urban historian, describes in The City of Collective Memory “we too in contemporary times recognize the importance of history to our sense of place and well- being.” (Boyer, 1994) Boyer later on quotes Cesar Daly (1850) “Daly proclaimed: “to neglect history, to neglect memory, that which is owed to our ancestors is then to deny oneself; it is to begin suicide”” (Boyer, 1994) this is useful for this study to understand that there…show more content…
The work of memory necessarily involves forgetting. To comprehend history there is a need to study and access the memory of a certain category of people (Boyer, 1994). An individual knows the history of a country or of a space because herself or himself endured it by possessing memories that are collectively revised, questioned and confirmed. Memories can’t be controlled; it takes place in an individual’s mind it can be transformed by their own interpretations and representations of things. Memory is created and based on lived experiences. According to Maurice Halbwachs, a French sociologist, memories are evoked by places, remembered by time periods and by representations of images and
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