Descriptive Statistics In The Philippines

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INTRODUCTION Variables: The given data set consists of three variables: a) Waist in inches (in) b) Body Weight in pounds (lb) c) Body Fat in percentage (%) The relation between the variables needs to be understood. The various statistical analysis techniques will have to be used to deduce the relationships. Observations: a) Sample size is 20 b) Information consists data for waist sizes greater than 32 inches Myths/General Perception: a) Waist size ∞ Body Weight b) Waist size ∞ Body Fat c) Body Weight ∞ Body Fat Method of Analysis: Software used - SPSS 16.0 a) Descriptive Statistics b) Graphs/Plots c) Correlation Analysis d) Regression Analysis ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistics The descriptive statistics is used to find basic…show more content…
(2-tailed) .000 .001 N 20 20 20 Pearson Correlation .853** .697** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .001 N 20 20 20 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Waist size – Body Fat: The correlation coefficient is 0.887. This value of “r” suggests a strong positive linear correlation since the value is positive and close to +1. The data points thus would be clustered closely about the regression line with positive slope. It is also consistent with the scatter plots obtained above. Waist size – Body Weight: The correlation coefficient is 0.853. This value of “r” suggests a strong positive linear correlation since the value is positive and close to +1. The data points thus would be clustered closely about the regression line with positive slope. It is also consistent with the scatter plots obtained above. Body Fat – Body Weight: The correlation coefficient is 0.697. This value of “r” suggests a positive linear correlation to an extent, since the value is positive. The data points thus would be clustered closely, but lesser than with the above two. It is also consistent with the scatter plots obtained above. CONCLUSIONS The various techniques used for analysis reveal the following about

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