De-Extinction Research Paper

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Hendrik Poinar and George Poinar Jr. are two extraordinary scientists who have made countless breakthroughs in the world of de-extinction. De-extinction is basically the re-creation of extinct species by different means---including a way by manipulating the genome of the species closest living relative. Scientists can also clone the ancient DNA fragments of organisms trapped in substances like amber, and then try to sew the fragments together in a loop and read the nucleotide letters. Woolly mammoths, passenger pigeons, and the Pyrenean ibex are all species that scientists have sought to recreate the genomes and bring back to the world. The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method, the nucleus of cells in ancient organisms, and even common animals such as sheep…show more content…
Some have even proposed a real-life Jurassic Park; one that would feature woolly mammoths instead of dinosaurs. Although this idea appeals to human curiosity, we would be ill-prepared for the arrival of de-extinct organisms. What if the revived organism contains a disease that has no cure, and spreads it to others? Would the new organism harm existing ecosystems? Too many questions exist to fully understand the consequences of actual de-extinction, but the concept is still exciting. Some conservationists and environmentalists believe that the de-extinction of organisms can help “restore ecosystems and absolve the sins of past human-caused extinctions.” A nonprofit group called Revive and Restore was created solely to help further the science of de-extinction. All of this information impacts the world in same way that landing on the moon in 1969 did. The boundaries of science, technology, and knowledge are being pushed in feats of genius that have never been thought possible before. The future of de-extinction marks one giant leap made possible for

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