John Brown's Leadership In American Civil War

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A Great Leader - John Brown In American history, Bleeding Kansas was a small-scale war, but it was really important to American Civil War. John Brown, who led Bleeding Kansas, was a famous abolitionist. He was also the leader of the abolitionists and made a great influence to Kansas. He led his army to fight with slaveholders, and tried him best to let Kansas become a free state. John Brown was born in 1800 in Torrington. His father, Owen Brown, was a Calvinist and abolitionist. John was influenced by his father and believed that slavery was wrong. When he was 12, he witnessed an enslaved African-American boy was killed. This information haunting him for years to come and informing his own abolitionism. John got married with his first wife…show more content…
John Brown used guerrillas to fight with pro-slavery. He killed five slaveholders who lived in Pottawottamie Creek with his four sons and other two accomplices. John thought his actions are just, and he soon became very popular and famous in northern extremists. In 1858, John successfully founded a small group, and he wanted to encourage many other slaves to join with him. After a meeting of the free black community of Chatham, Ontario, John thought that armed intervention could be a good method to solve the problem. They built stronghold in northern Virginia and accommodated slaves. At the same time, many other abolitionists gradually accepted his conflict method. Also, some people, who called “secret six”- Franklin Sanborn, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, George Luther Stearns, Gerrit Smith, Samuel Gridley Howe, and Theodore Parker, agreed John’s opinion and provided economic support to him…show more content…
For example, the painting “The Last Moments of John Brown” descried John Brown’s last time (Hovenden). In this picture, I saw many slavers come to court to see John Brown. They keep looking at John as if they don’t want to let him go. Their eyes say that they were very sad and depressed. We can also see some soldiers stand on both sides and hold the guns. The guns represent the cruel slavery. Some of them use cord to bind John’s arms. Also, the cold color indicates John Brown’s tragic result. From this painting, I felt an intense atmosphere between slaveholders and slavers. Another example of the artistic work is “Tragic Prelude I: John Brown” (Curry). This picture describes a conflict in Kansas. In the middle of this picture, John Brown stands on two dead men and the other men who stand on his both sides belong to different camp. On the background, we can see the tornado and prairie fires. Artist expressed his expectation by this work. The artist shows many details in this picture. For example, there is a book in John Brown’s left hand and a gun in his right hand. I think this book represent his belief and the gun means he wants to solve the problem by the war. We can also see the soldiers in the army are really tired, that means the war lasted longer and civilians had the hard lives at that time. The sunflowers that behind the door also represent the

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