David Plotz's Privacy Is Overrated

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Today, personal privacy has become very controversial in our nation. Things such as the Internet, social media, and new technology is becoming a large concern in today’s world. Some wonder if companies have the right to track their every movement. Others don’t like the idea that wherever they go, they are constantly being watched. Another worried topic is if today’s youth is giving out too much information on social media. It seems like we have to sacrifice our privacy if we want to participate in today’s world. Through the two articles “Privacy is Overrated” and “invading our own privacy” both authors use reasoning, credibility and emotion to get their point out to the public on if we should be concerned with this invasion of privacy or…show more content…
All of this information on him was found in just an hour by the James Mintz group on a computer. If they wanted to spend a little more time they could have discovered his Social Security number. Plotz uses logos with this statement as he is reasoning how these people can accomplish this with such ease. As he continues, he states how the surveillance cameras watch him in the mall, public streets, and even his own personal computer is spying on him. He goes into detail about how these things called “cookies” which can track anyone’s movement on the Internet and can identify what kinds of websites you prefer. He later discusses how the Defense Departments office of Total Information Awareness is planning to collect tons of information from all sorts of things that we normally wouldn’t think of. They can collect information on anything such as what we purchase. He uses credibility when he gives out this information. Plotz states that people only care about themselves and no one else. When someone knows something about you, they care, but with companies, they don’t really care, all they care is that you have something they want, your money. In his closing statements he refers about a small-town America, how everyone knows everything about you. He says that if you open up everything and be less private, then you will basically have…show more content…
They both talk about the Internet and how it’s used, one shares how MySpace is used to discover information on people, the other tells about how a firm established his personal information without even trying. Plotz talks about an investigation firm under his name was finished in merely a few hours. Schimke talks about how MySpace and how it can be about abuse people’s privacy, and people don’t realize that anyone can find out so much about them in only a couple of minutes. Overall, I think that Schimke uses pathos the best just because there are a lot of emotions from his article. As it goes on, Plotz talks about the Total Information Awareness, he explains how it’s supposed to gather loads of information about Americans. A lot of people think that it’s to prevent terrorism. On the other article, it starts talking about the younger generation and how they don’t see the negative side on technology and don’t see it as a bad thing. As they continue, Plotz talks about small-town America and how there is absolutely no privacy. He decides to twist it up and talk about real privacy. In the end, he is saying that privacy is overrated and thinks that it’s our own

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