Cs Lewis Legacy

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C.S. Lewis: A Religious and Literary Legacy “I gave in, and admitted that God was God” (Dorsett). C.S. Lewis, otherwise known as “Jack” or Clive Staples Lewis, born in 1898, was a world- renowned and influential British author. Some of his most popular books include Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia, Surprised by Joy, Space Trilogy, The Four Loves, The Problem with Pain, and The Screwtape Letters. During his life, Lewis’ religious beliefs changed, and his writing reflected that. C.S. Lewis’ shifting background between Christianity and Atheism allowed his later writings to address questions critics might have and modernize old theological ideas. Lewis experienced a complicated childhood, contributing to his religious struggles.…show more content…
Lewis’ conversion to Christianity changed his whole life and writing style. He wrote many Christian apologetics, which defended the faith against objections (Umstead). Surprised by Joy told of C.S. Lewis’ early life and how he was searching for joy and found it using reason and discovering God. This memoir was very personal, and written in a relatable tone for believers and non-believers (“The Life of C.S. Lewis”). Another book, Mere Christianity, was adapted from Lewis’ BBC broadcasts during World War II. In these broadcasts, Lewis described how God should be portrayed and laid out the Christian faith in a simple tone (“The Life of C.S. Lewis). C.S. Lewis’ apologetics were written in a relatable tone that shocked non-believers, who were used to associating Christianity with strict rules and boredom. The story of Lewis’ conversion helped skeptics relate to their own spiritual struggles, and answer questions they actually had (Umstead). The Four Loves explained four different kinds of loves encountered in life, including affection, friendship, romance, and divine love, their differences, and how to approach these loves in daily life (Sweis). As well as apologetics, Lewis also wrote fantasy. However, he incorporated religious ideas into his fantasy novels. Fantasy characters and far-off lands helped to engage readers in some religious ideas, laid out in a simple way. He “used imagination to reflect what is most real” (Umstead). In one of his most well-known pieces, The Screwtape Letters, a story was told about a demon and his young apprentice, trying to tear people away from God. This story was entertaining for younger audiences, but it also warned of the worldly, materialistic temptations to betray God (Religion: Don v. Devil). The Pilgrim’s Regress, another novel, told of a pilgrim and his journey to find enlightenment, mimicking Lewis’ search for joy and meaning in life, while balancing obstacles of materialism and temptation. The Chronicles of Narnia, a

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