Crow Indian Research Paper

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The crow indians were the first people to visit the Billings site. In this paper we will be talking about the crow indians, and how important they are. The women are even more important than the men, and you will learn why. In 1400 CE the crow indians came into the lives of North America, and this paper is to tell you more about it. Let’s jump into the paper and learn more about it. The Yellowstone River valley was occupied by the Crow Indians, who lived in small packs. They use to stay in Wyoming, but they ended up moving to Montana to be apart of the city life. In the clan the women were above all the men because they played an important part of the crow Indian life.Women did all the picking of the nuts, blueberries,herbs, and seasonal roots.…show more content…
The crow Indians hunted bison, mountain sheep, deer, and many other game. Buffalo meat was often baked or broiled in a stew with prairie turnips. The rump, tongue, liver, heart, and kidneys all were considered delicacies. Dried bison meat was ground with fat and berries to make pemmican. The Crow Indians have a headquarters in Crow Agency, Montana. The language of the Missouri River Valley is the language the Crow Indians use. The Crows live in a small portable tent made of skins, cloth, or canvas made of poles called a teepee. The women in the tribe wouldn’t wear anything fancy. They display dresses that are manufactured of mountain sheep or deer skins that were also garnished with elk teeth. The tribe has a gigantic powwow, rodeo, and a parade manually. They cleave from the Hidatsa tribe in nearby-day North Dakota either around 1400-1500 CE or 900-1000 CE. About 75…show more content…
They split into two different tribes called the mountain crow and river crow. The crows mostly ate bison or buffalo meat. The amount of people in the tribe rounded up to about 11,000 and inhabited with 8,000 people. There is a teepee capital of the world which has as many as 1500 teepees are spread across the river valley of Little Bighorn River. They are known for known for the strength of their Apsáalooke ammaalaátuua. They have a clan system that has several different clans. Majority of this clan lives on the Crow reservation.The Apsáalooke identify ten clans which corresponds to the belief that from conception to birth there are ten lunar months. The ten clans are arranged in five phratries. The phratry existed to promote cooperation when larger numbers were needed, especially for protection or when hunting. The first phratry consists of the Greasy Mouths, Uuwuutasshe, and Sore Lips, Ashíiooshe. The second consists of the Whistling Waters, Bilikóoshe, and the Bad War Deeds, Ashkápkawiia. The third consists of the Ties in a Bundle, Xúhkaalaxche, and the Brings Home Game Without Shooting, Uússaawaachiia. The fourth consists of the Big Lodges, Ashshitchíte, and the Newly Made Lodges, Ashhilaalío. The fifth phratry consists of the Treacherous Lodge, Ashbatshúa, or the Blood Indian Lodge, Ashkaámne, and the Filth Eaters, Ashpeennuushé.The Apsáalooke, being matrilineal, receive their clan affiliation from

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