Criticism Of Flannery O 'Connor's The Geranium'

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Flannery O’Connor, one of the greatest authors in American literature, was born on March 25, 1925 in Savannah, Georgia. Her father died when she was a teenager. She got her education at university of Iowa. She published her first short story, “The Geranium”’ in 1946.At same time, she had begun her first novel, wise blood. After graduating in 1947, she continued on the path of writing. Her work was informed by her experiences growing up as a catholic in the south. Religion was a recurring theme in her work. She died on august 3, 1964 in Milledgeville, Georgia from an autoimmune disease called lupus. She received many honor including O. henry Award in 1957 and the national book award in 1972 The predominant feature of O’Connor criticism is its abundance. From her first collection, O’Connor garnered serious and widespread critical attention and since her death the outpouring has been remarkable, including hundreds of essays and studies. While her work has occasioned some hostile reviews, including those, which labeled her an atheist or accused her of using the grotesque gratuitously, she is almost universally admired, if not fully understood. In addition to wide-ranging studies of her style, structure, symbolism, tone, themes, and influences, critical discussion often centers on theological aspects…show more content…
This short story speaks to the direct opposite of a tall tale, brilliantly distorting its crucial components maiden in trouble (Lucynell, the girl), the mother (Mrs. Lucynell Crates), and knight in sparkling protective layer (Mr. Shiftlet)—to make its peruses see the dormant malice of all individuals. Using a sharp thought on every anecdotal segment in the story, O'Connor passes on her message successfully by differentiating repulsiveness against pulchritude. She makes efficacious utilization of liars to exhibit

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