Criminal Justice Context Analysis

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Ethics is the study of right and wrong, good and evil. What one person may believe to be right another person may feel is wrong. A person’s beliefs and values pertaining to what is right and wrong, good and evil are shaped by their parents, friends, communities, and by their own perspectives. Ethical beliefs and values may be questioned, reshaped, and/or even changed as a person grows older. To better understand the concept of justice, crime, and ethics, there are three contexts, or concentric circles. The circles consist of personal, social, and criminal justice. The first context or innermost circle is the personal, which represents a person’s individual sense of justice. This context examines right and wrong, good and evil, and life experienced and lived. A person’s life experiences shape their perceptions that form their personal sense of justice. The second circle represents the social context of justice. This context examines the environment in which a person lives in and the people they interact with. A person may act as an oppressor and/or the oppressed in their lifetime experiences. Crimes are related to social circumstances and…show more content…
The criminal justice context encourages people to include both personal and social contexts of ethics while exploring the criminal justice process. Due process, police corruption, and punishment are examples of important issues that require one to consider personal beliefs, social factors, and criminal justice consequences at the same time. The third context states that the proposed law should be examined on the basis of how it will affect the social community. The criminal justice context also sets legal limits for what people can do to each other. In addition, the criminal justice context stresses that what may be legal may be immoral, and what is moral may be
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