Crabb's Biblical Research Paper

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Crabb’s biblical compare and contrast paper There are both differences and commonalities between Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), Client-centered therapy (RCCT) and Christian counseling (CC). Although, some of the differences appear vast, they do supplement each other in one way or another, and are used appropriately based on a client’s needs. Christian counseling is unique in nature and remains steadfast in using The Word of God as final authority when counseling clients. As a counselor within the local church “The counselor’s work is to function as an instrument through which the Holy Spirit enlightens minds regarding the truth of significance and security in Christ.” (Crabb, 2013) Unlike…show more content…
Although Crabb’s theory incorporates The Word of God as final authority, CBT focuses strictly on psychology research and techniques as its final authority. The basic concept of CBT is the integration of two related treatment approaches: both cognitive and behavioral therapy. The goal for CBT therapy is to recognize and change self-defeating thought patterns, then change faulty behaviors by way of combining a variety of cognitive and behavioral techniques. CBT and REBT are similar only in the fact that they are both cognitive therapies. REBT focuses primarily on the client’s emotional reactions, and secondarily on cognition. The counselor helps the client identify the thoughts that create the unwanted emotional reactions, and then change the thoughts to create a more desired emotional state. Rogers’ client-centered therapy (RCCT) theory has a main concept quite different than any of those discussed so far. Rogers believes that the client knows himself/herself best. Therefore, this very humanistic approach to counseling is organized so that the primary focus of the counselor is to provide a neutral comforting environment and the client then controls the direction of the session, ultimately controlling the results as well. Part III: Basic…show more content…
Crabb’s strategies for his Christian counseling theory are quite simple and straightforward. He clearly identifies a glitch in society by insinuating that unless people understand that God is the only one able to meet human needs, they will operate in a deficit attempting to fill some void in life. Without God, the void is typically one of three problem emotions: “guilt, resentment and anxiety” (Crabb, 2013) Reducing these three emotions can be accomplished by using Crabb’s over and up strategy. Helping the client to become justified is the first step. The “Christian experience begins with justification, the act by which God declares me to be acceptable.”(Crabb, 2013) Accepting justification is at the core of Christian growth. Once the client is justified (past), they are able to move upward into the path of righteousness (life) and the final state of life which is glorification (future). As for Crabb’s strategies, it is the responsibility of the counselor to help the client move over to the path of obedience. This is known as the over goal. Additionally, the counselor teaches the client how to respond biblically to future problems that arise in their life. As the client learns to respond biblically to life events, this is called the up goal. The client is now moving over onto a path of obedience or righteousness and up towards glorification increasing in Christian maturity along the way. (Crabb, 2013,

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