Corruption In The Canadian Construction Industry

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The Canadian construction industry has been faced by various scandals in the recent past. These scandals mainly involve corruption by engineering firms where officials in various firms engage in corrupt dealings in order to secure contracts for their firms or make huge but undeserved profits (Hudon, 2011). The Quebec construction industry, in particular, has been at the centre of controversy in the recent past, with reports indicating that corruption in the Quebec construction industry is deep and widespread (Connor, 2014). According to reports by the commission of inquiry into the issue, most construction companies in Quebec province are involved in corrupt activities with regard to securing construction contracts as well as setting of construction…show more content…
The requirement that all parties involved in a contract should be transparent would ensure that due process is followed in awarding tenders to construction companies (Saint-Martin, 2015). Strengthening the media, non-governmental organizations, and the civil society would ensure that corruption-related activities are exposed and those responsible prosecuted. Normally, the media, non-governmental organizations, and the civil society act as watchdogs in society (Hudon, 2011). Strengthening them would therefore ensure that the fight against corruption is intensified. This would prevent corruption and unethical practices in the Canadian construction…show more content…
The Canadian government as well as other relevant authorities should carry out educational programs to educate the public about corruption, its effects, and the actions that one can take to ensure that those involved in corrupt and other unethical activities are brought to justice (Haufler, 2010). In most cases, while individuals might be aware of unethical activities in a company or government offices, most of them do not know what to do or who to approach in order to report the matter. In other cases, people fear reporting corrupt activities because of the consequences it can bring to their lives. This is especially the case with junior workers in organizations (Carr, 2011). A junior worker may be aware of corruption at the higher level of authority. However, due to the fear of losing their job, the worker decides to keep quiet. Educating such individuals on the importance of reporting will ensure that fighting corruption in the Canadian construction industry will be a collective effort. The Canadian government should develop strategies that will ensure whistleblowers are protected. In most cases, people who have brought up corrupt activities have been victimized. This is especially the case where the whistleblower is a worker in the organization where corruption is taking

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