Comparison Of Suckling's 'Why So Pale And Wan?'

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Sir John Suckling’s point of view on love was an extreme opposite compared to the other poets in the 17th century. In this time, love was a serious topic, but not to Suckling. In his poems, any time loved is mentioned, it has everyone amused. One perfect example is “Why so Pale and Wan?” Nonetheless, the poem is about a young man who is failing to win the heart of a young lady, and is getting a advice from a friend who is just in shock over his best friends love sickness. Behind what the poem is about, is figurative language, imagery, and symbolism, which aids us understand what the poem truly means and what it is about. In the poem the figurative used is alliteration and hyperbole We see in the second stanza , he speaker says “Why so pale an wan, fond lover? Prithee, why so pale? Will, when looking well can’t move her, Looking ill prevail? Prithee, why so pale?” the use of alliteration is present. The repeated letter w and p is to help the rhythm and for it to be pleasing to the ear. Through out the entire poem we see a bit of exaggeration, or hyperbole, because of the lover’s sickness of this girl. The friend giving the advice is frustrated…show more content…
Since, Sir John Suckling was such a laid back writer, that the meaning behind the poem is not that deep. The poem was allegorical in the sense of rhetorical devices such as, pathos. The whole poem appeals and almost toys, to and with the audiences emotions by feeling so sorry for this young man, but laughing at the frustration that his friend is going through. The question “Why so pale and wan fond lover?” can be used as symbolism because it symbolizes the friend and his love sickness over this young lady. We do not see much because it is supposed to be a poem with hints of humor, and Sir John Suckling did not go in depth with his poems as much as others. With symbolism, imagery, and figurative language, the readers can clearly understand the love sickness of this young

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