Comparison Between 'Hotel Rwanda And The Happiest Refugee'

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Journeys are lifetime paths that involve problems, lessons and experiences. The film “Hotel Rwanda” and Anh Do’s “The Happiest Refugee” discuss physical, emotional and intellectual journeys. Also, the prescribed text “Goodbye Sarajevo” explores different concepts of journeys, similar but yet different to those in the two prescribed texts. Each composer has used variety of film and literary techniques to determine how decision-making choices often lead to unforeseen experiences. Physical journeys happen unexpectedly, and this statement is proven in both texts “Hotel Rwanda” and “Goodbye Sarajevo”. An early important scene in the film “Hotel Rwanda” depicts Paul’s beginning journey to the entrance of civil war and genocide. Mid-shots of Paul Rusessabagina picture his concern and naivety, thinking that UN forces will provide help. The beginning of his physical…show more content…
And Do’s perspective of an emotional journey is highlighted throughout many events in the book, especially in the one where the 13 year old Anh Do was left by his father. On his father’s reappearance, he states: “When you break through having a fear of your father and decide that you’re ready and willing to hurt him.” This statement shares Do’s ideas and emotions formed on his inner journey. Similarly, “Goodbye Sarajevo” presents emotional journey in a quite different situation. Anh’s father left the family to escape the hardship they were facing, but Nadia and Hanna left their family to seek freedom in Croatia. Unlike in Anh’s story, the character’s fleeing was against their will, but the will of the UN. The visual imagery of bombs and firing guns and people’s tears portray the girl’s way to safe haven. Nevertheless, despite the differences in both texts, the characters have experienced emotional journey which will only lead to

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