Comparing World War Z 'And Max Brooks' The Walking Dead

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Widely understood as the undead who devour the living, zombies address fears to all the characters in a text. What can we learn from examining these types of themes in different settings? The shuffling hordes of such thriller movies and text have lots of adaptation between each other. We see World War Z, a Brad Pitt film adapted from the popular text by Max Brooks along with the Walking dead, an iconic television show from the zombie literature world. Such types of texts and movies make a large chunk of post-apocalyptic settings and show how characters would act in a survivalist situation. Movies and texts like these connect with the fact that such apocalyptic tales invoke hope despite the fact of loss of loved ones as the survivor’s battle for their lives. Both the texts connect to each other about relationships and the struggles in terms of how they affect the characters and story, creating a ’power’ in each of the text. Survival has been one of the key concept the authors of both the text…show more content…
The Walking Dead and World War Z put every possible situation in the perspective of the protagonist. The struggle they face in turn affects them one way or another. Questions like, “What would happen if there was no technological advancements in the world we live in during these apocalypse?”, “What if the society broke down during these times and we were the only ones who could structure it back up?”, “What would happen if distrusting this person we just met was the difference between the life and death of our being?”. These look discomforting when the readers read them. Especially during the build of both the texts, to think that there were only a few hundred thousand alive to make it through and stitch the world back together. The relationship such thought provoking ideas put forth, ‘awakens’ our minds – in fact, this is the reason we read science fiction, isn’t

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