To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Dill's Journey

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The uniqueness Dill gives to the book is unparalleled to any other character. Through his lying tendencies and childhood creativity, Dill shows insight to the outsiders look at the small town of Maycomb as well as showing the excitement of a summertime friendship with Scout. Charles Baker "Dill" Harris is a child about seven years old, with a wide imagination. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Dill is portrayed as a young, imaginative child who does anything to be accepted into a small town's life. Due to his harsh upbringing, raised by being passed around from relative to relative, Dill has a tendency to exaggerate the truth to be accepted. This is made prominent to the reader as Dill meets Scout, who “came to know Dill as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans,…show more content…
Their relationship progressed to be very close that "it wasn't summer without Dill"(Lee 184). The main points in the book happen the summer of the Tom Robinson trial. Through the trial, readers begin to see Dill's outside opinions about the trial and the justice in it. For example, when Mr.Gilmer is cross examining Tom Robinson, he is rude to Tom. When Dill and Scout speak of it, Scout dismisses Mr. Gilmer's attitude towards Tom because"'he’s just a negro.'" (Lee 225) In this moment, the small town opinions Scout has are shown; the racial prejudice, and sense of inequality towards all people. Dill says"'I don’t care one speck. It ain’t right, somehow it ain’t right to do ‘em that way. Hasn’t anybody got any business talkin’ like that—it just makes me sick.'" (Lee 226) in response to Scout. Dill's response to Scout makes clear to the reader that he does not see the trial in the same shoes as Scout, his other half, does. His opinions are for the morality and justice of the case, and he would not have these opinions if he had grown up in the social settings of

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