Comparing The Leadership Styles Of President Dwight D. Eisenhower And John F. Kennedy

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Introduction Self-confidence, honesty, great communication skills, commitment, positive attitude, ability to inspire, these are all great qualities to have in a leader. The United States of America has had a number of great leaders over the years. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy lead this country and are noted to be some of the best leaders our nation has ever had. Both the actions and inactions of the President show us how important the direct leadership of the President is. Leadership Styles Both President Dwight D. Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy went down in history as great leaders for this country. Eisenhower from the beginning of his 1952-1961 presidency was a very honest, committed, positive person. In his presidential campaign, he pledged to end the war in Korea. In 1953, during Eisenhower’s first term, he went to Korea and settled a truce just as promised. He also had a strong favoritism for business people and did what he could to help the businessmen. “He firmly believed that what was good for business was good for the nation” (The New York Times, 2010).…show more content…
In his Atoms for Peace speech he gave in front of the United Nations, he was determined to control the escalating race for nuclear arms between the United States and the Soviet Union (Eisenhower, 1953). Eisenhower also aided in helping other countries gain independence and fight for what’s right. When communism broke out in the Middle East, Dwight D. Eisenhower aided the Indochina people in protecting the further spread of communism from North Vietnam into South Vietnam, thus threatening their government and the U.S. government as

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