Comparing Spielberg In Schindler's List And Munich

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Steven Spielberg, the director of Schindler’s List and Munich, played a central role for directing films that fall under the authentic reenactment of past, true events. Spielberg based his cinematic approach from a great deal of cinematography, lighting, and sound, which evidently made these two films distinct and memorable. Therefore, this essay argues that Spielberg is indeed regarded as a prolific auteur in the films of Schindler’s List and Munich. Specifically, this essay argues that through his use of cinematography, lighting, and sound in making these films, Spielberg successfully recreated two of the most tragic periods in human history, depicted in Schindler’s List (the Holocaust) and Munich (the Israeli Olympian Team Massacre in Munich, 1972). Schindler’s List and Munich captivate the audience by using a ‘dramatic’ effect to portray these tragic events in human history. The main character in Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler, is first presented as a selfish profiteer, allying with the Nazi party; but his morals and…show more content…
Camera angles, crane shots, and dolly shots all emphasize specific moments within each film. One technique in particular that is seen in both films is the use of camera shake. Spielberg incorporated the hand held shot to heighten the tension of certain shots and to create a realistic feel. The hand held shots allows the audience to take on the characters perspective, by striking emotions and feelings that a crane dolly or tripod would not accomplish. A scene in Schindler’s List that demonstrates this technique is the balcony scene with Amon Goeth; while Goeth shoots the men and women of the concentration camp, the hand held camera shows the vantage point from a refugee’s perspective, to give the audience fear of

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