Comparing Plato's Cave Allegory And The Matrix

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What would a man do if being told that the world he has been lived in was not real? Both Plato’s cave allegory and The Matrix movie describe the same story and give the same answer. One must open his eyes and mind with brave, to suffer the pain of dazzle, to see through the illusion, and thus to reach the truth. There’s not one certain side that people are supposed to agree with, although in most circumstances people make decisions with regard to benefit and habit. In Plato’s cave allegory, no matter how bright the man sees outside the den and how pity he feels for his fellow prisoners, for those who were born in darkness and have never thought of the light, the truth is doubtlessly strange and far from them than the familiar shadow and echo (Plato 870). Similarly, in the movie The Matrix, the system…show more content…
Cypher in The Matrix was once aware of that the taste of a steak was programed by the matrix, but he then thought ignorance of the truth was bliss after a long time of useless rebellion. Returning to the darkness gives most people security unlike the cruel facts since men’s instinct drives them to look for comfort first instead of truth. But it is the one who bravely confront the reality earns the chance to wake up all humans, and to push the whole civilization to move forward. Continue to live in the dark and choose to be blind does not guarantee the everlasting peace; instead, it traps human deeper and deeper with full of illusion, and would eventually deprive one’s personality or even life. In The Matrix, characters die in the real world while they
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