Comparing Martin Luther King Jr. And Henrietta Lacks

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“Let us all hope that the dark clouds … will soon pass … and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.” (King, #) In other words, Martin Luther King, Jr. is possibly describing a personal definition of what the good life is for him. A good life is not necessarily defined by a single universal definition; each individual will create their own, personal definition of a good life; through experience. With experience comes costs; obstacles or barriers that get in between a person and their interpretation of a good life. These costs can sometimes require making sacrifices. Making sacrifices for a good life is shown clearly in the lives of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Henrietta Lacks. Martin Luther…show more content…
In other words, fighting for one’s beliefs and trying to improve society for all, even when faced with a situation that requires sacrifices is an important aspect of life. These situations are the experiences that help lead each person to their personal best life. A good life is not just a straight path, at some point there will be a bump in the road that will cost the things that one hold dearest to disappear. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s idea of a good life was a life with racial equality. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped improve the lives of black Americans by organizing peaceful protests and taking the heat when times get tough. Jail time in Birmingham and his eventual death was a worthy cost of Martin Luther King, Jr. in order to express his concerns for racial inequality. George Gey snipping cells from Henrietta Lacks Cervical cancer unknowingly significantly improved and benefited the scientific community. Morally in today’s society this would be wrong, but the impact of the cells greatly outweighs the cost the cells have taken on the

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