Summary Of Redemption: The Last Battle Of The Civil War By Nicholas Lemann

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This book, “Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War” by Nicholas Lemann, is a reconstruction of the excruciating pain that is the revelation of the Civil War and the Constitutional changes that took more than enough time to be ratified. This book also exhibits evidence that such a radical reformation ultimately depends on the will of the powerful and most politically advanced to prevail. This reconstruction failed because of the pure weakness of the Republican Party, but most of all it can be contributed to the vast intimidation and violent actions by the white southerners, as well as the Democratic Party while elections were taking place. The newly freed African- American people were initially unable to participate in the elections because of such great intimidation and lingering oppression, leaving the…show more content…
Although the start was optimistic, the rise of the white southerner was a slow one with outrageous violence using intimidation and murder. Eventually, a “truce” in favor of the whites was settled at the end and final stage of the Civil War. There was almost no chance for the freed African- Americans to exercise any newly obtained rights they had “won” after the Emancipation in such a chaotic surrounding. While there was presence of optimism thriving and some political success was wrought, a growing resistance that eventually changed into a counteractive party to the Republicans toppled these efforts in little to no time. As the efforts of the Democratic Party grew, African- Americans, out of fear, became incapacitated from voting and were basically silenced and overall

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