Compare And Contrast Two Theories Of Sexual Response

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Comparing and contrasting two theories on the sexual response cycle is thought provoking and interesting. One theory is by Masters and Johnson research team, four stage model of sexual response. The second was developed by Helen Singer Kaplan, a sex therapist and author. While both thoughts behind the sexual response cycle to hold truth, they certainly vary in thought. Masters and Johnson divide sexual response into four phases. Excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasmic phase, and resolution phase. During the excitement phase, men develop an erection, women experience vaginal lubrication and genital swelling. Both men and women experience muscle tension, increase heart rate, and vasocongestion (swelling of the genital tissues with blood, which causes erection of the penis and engorgement of the area surrounding…show more content…
This can cause what is known as “sex flush”, a reddish rash that may appear on the chest or breast, late in the excitement phase. The second phase is known as the plateau phase. During the plateau phase there is an increase in vasocongestion. In women this causes thickening of the walls of the outer third of the vagina, known as orgasmic platform. Both men and women experience rapid breathing, increase heart rate, and increase in blood pressure. Women get “sex skin”, reddening of the labia minora. The third phase is the orgasmic phase. A male orgasm consists of two stages of muscular contraction. The first pushes seminal fluid into the urethral bulb, the second is ejaculation. For women, orgasm involves contractions of the pelvic muscles, uterus, and anal sphincter. Both men and women experience muscle spasms throughout the body, increase in blood pressure, and peak heart rate. The final phase of the sexual response cycle according to

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