Compare And Contrast Lamb To The Slaughter And Death By Scrabble

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The stories “Lamb to the Slaughter” and “Death by Scrabble” are two very similar stories. Although these stories are similar, they are different as well. Lamb to the slaughter is a murder story that is about a husband who wants a divorce with his wife. The wife does not like this news and kills her husband with a lamb leg which was meant to be for dinner. But, on the other hand, the story, "Death by Scrabble" is also a murder story. In this story, the husband wants to murder his wife while playing a game of scrabble. Then, magically, the words spelled out in scrabble come true. Later, the man puts down the word quake and as soon as the earthquake begins to occur, the wife puts down death and the husband chokes on the scrabble piece. The two

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