Compare And Contrast Hatchet And A Cry In The Wild

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I believe that the book Hatchet does a better job of telling the story than the movie “A Cry in the Wild”. I think this because the book has very good imagery and foreshadowing examples. One example of imagery from the book is the kissing scene, the book describes it as a big, juicy, meaningful kiss. But the movie “A Cry in the Wild” doesn’t really do as a good job as Hatchet . Another good example of imagery is the turtle egg eating, Brain described eating the egg as a slimy, nasty, smelly, and slid down the throat. The movie doesn’t even show this part. The book even does a really good job with foreshadowing too.The book and the movie has the same thing:The sparks, but the book does a better job of describing and you understanding. As

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