Compare And Contrast Associates Degree Vs Baccalaureate Degree

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In this paper I'm going to compare and discuss the difference in competencies between nurses prepared with an Associates degree versus the Baccalaureate degree. I will first talk about the associates degree and what it entails and then move onto the baccalaureate degree and compare the two. I will then finish with a patient care situation in which I describe how nursing care may differ between the two educational preparations. An associate’s degree level nurse education is a 2-3 yearlong program and it teaches the student basic nursing knowledge to preform daily duties as a nurse. Due to the low cost of attending a community college the associate program graduates a large group of minority nurses making the ADN a more diverse degree. An associate’s program will also allow the student to sit and take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). This degree in most schools award an associate in applied science degree, which places them in the same category as technicians (Nelson, 2002). This is why most healthcare systems prefer to hire nurses with a BSN. As patient care moves towards a more interdisciplinary team approach the needs of higher qualify nurses are needed.…show more content…
With two years of humanities, management skills, research, and community health courses. This is “intended to result in a deeper understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence health care delivery”(Nursing Education, n.d.). The care of our patients deserves to be the best and the only way for us as nurses to deliver that care is to continue our education. Many government organizations, hospital administration and even other countries put high-value on baccalaureate degree

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