Colombian Culture Vs American Culture Research Paper

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The United States and Colombian Culture: Differences and Similarities. The culture is one way of distinguishes one from another, which implies a wide variety of backgrounds that includes religions, arts, traditions, languages, and many more. Nowadays, due to technology we experience, these different cultures are being revealed around the world by making a great distinction in the way they are practiced. However, when it comes to face the distinction of cultures people need to be aware of what these differences are to be prepared before visit a new country. In my point of view, there is some common ground in which both American culture and Colombian culture overlapping each other; however, despite being in the same continent, both differ markedly from each other. First, there is an immense difference in the meaning of time between American and Colombian people. It is well known that American people are strongly strictest about the time and along with the money since time is money for them. For example, for Americans is usual arrive a meeting…show more content…
Each culture has its own way of making friend's circle, for Americans, having common interests are an essential aspect to start a friendship for example. Colombians, on the contrary, usually meet the people and then if there is something that Colombians called “chemical connection”, positive connection, between each other, they will try to find common interests to have fun and make strongest the relationship. Conversely, because Americans depends on the time, relations are very difficult to make since they are very busy by studying, working, or taking care of their family. However, despite the difficulties of making friends in America, making friends in Colombia is totally opposed due to people there are extremely friendly. It is generally agreed that both Colombians and Americans make friends in an inverse

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