College Admissions Essay: What Makes Me Who I Am Me

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When people ask me who am I, I simply reply, I’m Mona Salama. They then ask to describe myself in one word, but I tell them two words; focused and hardworking. I was born in New York City, but was raised in the Bronx since I was 6 years old. At a young age, my parents, especially my father drilled my siblings and myself the importance of education to go to college and have a career. My father background was in chemical engineer and my mother background was in social work. During my young years in school, my parents always made sure I was the top ten in my class as well as making sure we were two steps ahead of my other classmates. Looking back it has shaped me to become the person I am today even though I like to criticize my parents’ tactics and call them education Nazis. Before attending John Jay College in 2014, I was lost in life and what I wanted do to as a career path. After graduated with a bachelor degree in…show more content…
With luck was on my side after applying, I was accepted. At the same time, I was given an opportunity to work in political media by covering and reporting New York elected officials on social and community issues. A few weeks later, I was picked up by a new media website to cover the midterm 2014 elections. My life and career began to take shape. Now I have one semester left in graduate school and covering the road to 2016 traveling state to state. This year has definitely been a challenge for me, balancing work and school. Unlike most of my classmates, I don’t have a regular stable sit in an office from the hours of 9 A.M to 5 P.M. I have a job that requires me to always be active and work all hours and any hours. But I love it and I love the challenges I have faced this year and I look forward to 2016 with graduation and the nonstop political coverage. Skies the

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