What does it take to become a criminal defense lawyer? A criminal defense lawyer, also known as a defense attorney, is a lawyer specializing in defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal conduct. I plan on going to college when I graduate high school to become a criminal defense lawyer. There are a lot of requirements and test I have to take in order to even get into law school. For example, I have to go to college for 7 years, 4 years at a university and 3 years of law schooling
expectations about what is valuable and what they plan to learn (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007). This is especially true in a community college setting, a setting that is charged with engaging a wide pool of learners. In this essay, I report on an interview experience with Professor Rebecca Horwitz, who teaches psychology courses in the Liberal Arts and General Studies Associate of Science degree track at Monroe Community College (MCC). In that interview, Horwitz and I discussed motivations