Cochlear Implants Argumentative Speech

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Cochlear implants have been a controversial issue for the Deaf community and those who have hearing. The Deaf community argues that cochlear implants interferes with the ability for deaf children to learn the American Sign Language (ASL) and opposes their identity of being deaf. Similarly, for adults, they have been part of ASL throughout their lifetime, and cochlear implants may disconnect them from the Deaf community. The Hearing community argues that cochlear implants pave the way for deaf children to learn verbal communication and allows them to easily pace with their learning peers while deaf adults can benefit from learning new experiences through sound. Allegra Ringo and Madyson Gasper are two authors who refute the beliefs of those who are hearing and…show more content…
Although Gasper uses logos to appeal to a wavering audience, she relies too heavily on pathos and lacks good ethos, making her argument less effective than Ringo’s. A coherent technique to use against wavering points of views would be concentrating on ethos, which establishes the author’s credibility and integrity. Ringo’s article contains opinions and quotes directly between the two opposing sides, the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AGB), and members of Deaf culture. The following quote Ringo obtained from AGB emphasizes their mission through the use of cochlear implants, “[to] [help] families, health care providers and education professionals understand childhood hearing loss and the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.” (Ringo 1), which also includes learning communication techniques such as lip reading and learning to speak. Ringo then provides an opposing view point to AGB by interviewing a Deaf activist named Ruthie Jordan. Ruthie Jordan expressed her views

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