Close Encounters By Jane Gallop Summary

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Writing is an art form. The artist needs to break the set rules of their medium to make the best art and to better themselves and the community. this is exactly what Jane Gallop did in her controversial article “The Ethics of Reading: Close Encounters”. In her article, Gallop writes about the importance of close reading -- the act of reading a piece without bias -- all the while deceiving and exploiting their prejudices. Gallop has definitely delved into unorthodoxy while writing this paper by dropping the word “you” more than once to capitalizing words for emphasis This was not due to a lack of skill, but the precise use of it. Gallop knew that by blatantly going against the known rules of English writing, her readers would furiously but willingly read her essay…show more content…
On page nine of the article, Gallop reiterated the stereotypes of women being more studious than men by placement of gender. When referring to the female pronoun for positive actions, like a woman being able to “actually read what she wrote”(9). Yet later her article, Gallop removes women from their pedestal. While referring to the inadequacies in the way diverse literature is taught in colleges, Gallop speaks that when a student reads diverse literature “the way she is accustomed to read, the student will seize upon things to in the text that conform to her expectations” (14). Gallop is not saying that women are inherently racist, she is simply interchanging ‘he’ and ‘she’ wherever she knows they will be effective. On page ten of the article, Gallop used female pronouns for positivity because she was aware of that stereotype,women are more studious than men, as well as she knew it would cause the reader to form prejudices against her. When using them again later in the essay, Gallop disproves the preconceived notion that she holds women on a higher pedestal than

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