Christianity In Beowulf Research Paper

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Beowulf, Old English, Anglo Saxton poetry. A distinguished pagan poem that is rich in heroic meaning, and contains vivid Christian illusions. There is considerable scholarly discussions concerning the concept of Christianity in Beowulf. Some scholars see it as an early celebration of Christianity, and others see it as if the Christian references were added after thoughts that simply replaced heroic. The heroic/Christian world is the context for Beowulf. There is no mention of Jesus in Beowulf, but references to God are based on The Old Testament of The Bible. Beowulf, is a great heroic poem influenced by Christian philosophy. Beowulf, a great, “…heavily heroic, pagan poem influenced by Christian philosophy” (CN, Beowulf 2). Harold Bloom, editor…show more content…
The mighty sword was waiting in the cave for Beowulf, and in a “life-or-death” move he takes it and swings at the monster, Grendel’s mother, killing her. The cave floods with brightness when he strikes the monster, “…even as from heaven comes the shining light / light of God’s candle” (l. 1571-720. A blessed light from the heavens above, goodness versus evil, the darkness. King Hrothgar thanks and praises God for his Divine Interventions, and for sending them the great warrior, Beowulf. The King also warns Beowulf, “Almighty God in His magnificence will allow a high-born heart to travel far in delight” (ll. 1729-30), to be vigilant of excessive pride and demons, and to be mindful of how fragile life is, and no life is immune to danger and not to forget that, “…life and glory are loans from God, and defeat and death waits for him as they do for all” (CN: Beowulf 43). The King warns Beowulf to be mindful of excessive pride, youth and old…show more content…
He must battle one more demon, a fire-breathing dragon that terrorizes the country side at night, burning homes, including Beowulf’s. The once peaceful dragon is enraged because a valuable cup was stolen from his, “high burrow-hall/towering stone-mound” (ll. 2212-13). One of Beowulf’s men is the thief who stole the cup Beowulf and eleven of his best, most trusted warriors pursues, and finds the dragon. The thief is leading the expedition. Beowulf is about, “…to reach the end of his seafaring days / his life in this world, together with the serpent” (ll. 242-243. Wounded and burned, the great old warrior needs help, but in his greatest hour of need, “No help or backing was to be had then from his high-born comrades; that hand-picked troop broke ranks and ran for their lives” (ll. 2596-99); like Jesus’ Disciples abandoned him, fleeing to safety in the woods. Only Wiglaf, a young youth that entered battle with his lord, “…with the whole of your strength…I shall stand by you.”(l. 2668). Beowulf is mortally wounded, and as he is dying he speaks, and Wiglaf tries to comfort him. His final words, “To the everlasting Lord of All, to the King of Glory, I give thanks” (ll. 2794-95). He honors God in prayer, and instructs Wiglaf about “Beowulf’s Barrow” (2807). Then the warrior King, “…unclasped the

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