Christianity In Australia Case Study

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The current Australia religious landscape is rationalised by Christianity as the major religious tradition. Through 1947 Christianity had been established as the major religious tradition in Australia. This was due to the European settlers of the 18th and 19th centuries who imparted to Australia their traditional Christian churches especially the Church of England and the Roman Catholic, Lutheran Congregationalist, Methodist, Presbyterian and the Baptist churches. Traditional Indigenous religions weren’t documented or even barred and missionary efforts were made to convert the natives. Even with sectarianism between different denominations, the tradition of Christianity was dominant in Australia and to a number of extents shaped the nation's identity. By allowing only…show more content…
The continuing decline in most Christian groups as a proportion of the population is due to rising secularisation, displeasure with traditional religious movements, and a lack of refugee intake. Of all the Christian denominations the Anglican, Uniting and Presbyterian churches have been most affected by this decline in the numbers of those frequently attending church. Within difference to the general tendency of significant decreases in the figure of people affiliated to Christian denominations Catholicism has sustained to increase both numerically and proportionally from 20.9% in 1947 to 26.6% in 2001 making it the largest religious group in Australia. Catholicism has been insulated from the consequence of the refuse in religious affiliation because of its substantial migrant intake and slightly higher confinement rate. In addition, people who are baptised Catholic tend to recognize themselves as Catholic even if they don’t practice the religion, while those brought up Protestant who no longer practice would more often no longer believe themselves affiliated with that

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