How Successful Were The Mayans Essay

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Many can agree that the Mayans were indeed a very unique people. Historians predict that the Mayans had first originated around 2000 BC from different regions in present-day Mexico. They were also a very civilized people and many important occupations such as architects, mathematicians, and astronomers. Most historians also argue that, like the Ottomans, the Mayans were also politically and socially sophisticated. I agree with their statement because although the Mayans had began around such an early time period, they still managed to be able to overcome their lack of todays modern innovations and build a great empire that lasted for many years. First off, I believe the Mayans were politically sophisticated. One reason for…show more content…
One reason why the Mayans were socially sophisticated was because they had a very successful trade system with other foreigners. Within the various city-states the Mayans traded foods like corn and chocolate, raw materials like gold and limestone, and things they had already created like clothing and luxury goods. The Mayan inhabitants were also known for trading obsidian, a natural volcanic glass, for other valuables as well. The Mayans, like other civilizations around their time, had their own forms of entertainment also. Probably the most famous was what we call Mayan Ball Game. The game was typically played against rivaling city-states nearby. Many times the people would gamble on who they thought was going to win. Though some people enjoyed watching both teams compete against each other intensely, this game was taken very seriously. Overall the game was a very religious ceremony and the winner of the game was thrown a large feast in celebration. But on the down side, the captain of the loosing team was usually sacrificed after defeat (hence the explanation for why some of the matches would become intense). The Mayans also took their religion very serious. There isn't a specific name for their religion but if it had a type it would be polytheistic. The Mayans believed in many gods for all types of things. They could range from gods of foods like the god of corn or they could be more important gods such as

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