Chief Justice Hughes Case Analysis

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The purpose of this paper is to explore the judicial career of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes. This paper will provide personal information about Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes as well as information about his judicial background and experience. In addition, the voting behavior and judicial philosophy of Chief Justice Hughes will be detailed in an attempt to determine his influence within the American judicial system. Finally, a critical analysis of Chief Justice Hughes will be provided to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Chief Justice as a member of the federal. Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes was born on April 11, 1862 in Glen Falls, New York. Shortly thereafter, his family moved to New York City where he was raised and attended school. He was very smart as a child and showed early signs of promise in his educational tenure when he began reading, memorizing, and doing mental math at a young age. He went on to do well in school and graduated high school at the age of 13. He then went on to attend Madison University (then Colgate University). After a few years there, he transferred to Brown…show more content…
He was careful to write concise and admirable opinions. In the West Coast Hotel Company v. Parrish (1937) case, Chief Justice Hughes was able to get Justice Owen Roberts to switch his vote. The case ended where the Washington state minimum wage law was upheld. Chief Justice Hughes authored twice as many constitutional opinions as any member of his Court. He wrote many opinions during his service on the Supreme Court; Near v. Minnesota being one of them. Near v. Minnesota was a case that established the principle of prior restraint (Epstein. 460). He also wrote the majority opinion for the court case National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation. This opinion upheld the National Labor Relations Act and his ruling upheld a state minimum wage law which helped defuse the

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