Both Beloved by Toni Morrison and 12 Years a Slave, directed by Steve McQueen, are neo-slave narratives. Neo-slave narratives focus on black humanity and the interiority of black lives. These two neo-slave narratives explore the immediate after effects of slavery and how it presently impacts the people that were involved. Bernard Bell first identified neo-slave narratives as “residually oral, modern narratives of escape from bondage to freedom” (Li). Although Beloved goes into more depth on how slavery
Growing up in the segregated South - where many Black men, women, and children still spent their days picking cotton - Angelou’s world view was shaped by the racism and bigotry she and her family members experienced. Once, Angelou watched as her much beloved and respected grandmother remained silent and strong while she was mocked and taunted by white children; on another occasion, a white dentist (who was financially indebted to Angelou’s grandmother) refused to treat Angelou because of her skin color