Chicago City Description

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Chicago is home to millions of people, but to me it was an eye opening experience. The city is known for its culture, skyscrapers, restaurants, and various ways of transportation. The people of big cities have contrasting lives compared to mine, including their homes, jobs, and social avenues. I grew up in a very quiet setting in a town of about 4,000 people. I never realized how diverse suburban life is from rural life until I witnessed it. When I was about ten years old, my parents and I visited Chicago. When we got there, we wanted to see many of the tourist attractions: Navy Pier, Willis Tower, Sears Tower, Millennium Park, and the Field Museum of Natural History. To get to all of these places we had to either take a subway or a bus. Our…show more content…
We, like most other people, thought there was going to be a fight, but luckily, our destination was the next stop. We escaped without the wrath of the Tin Man. After the incident on the subway, we decided to try the city bus route to Willis and Sears Tower, and that too enlightened us. While waiting for the bus, it started to rain so we decided to get under the covered bus stop. This turned out to be the home of a very ripe thin, old man, covered in newspapers. He laid there snoring on the bench without a care in the world. When the bus came we preceded to board, and as the day went on, we noticed more homeless people throughout the city. Some of these people even tried to sell us things. Seeing the homeless was definitely different than I was accustomed to. The next day we went to the Field Museum of natural History, which took up an entire city block. This museum had everything including a skeleton of a T-Rex, a mummy exhibit, and Indian artifacts. After spending several hours viewing these exhibits, we were trying to decide which bus we should catch to go to Millennium Park. My mom and I were looking down at the map and my dad was following us several steps behind. I heard high heels clicking on the side walk. As I looked up I saw high heels, hairy legs, knobby knees, a dress, long hair, and a beard with lipstick in the middle. My mom had looked up at the
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