Chevy Colorado Super Bowl Ad Analysis

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Advertising surrounds us every day, everywhere we go. Knowingly or unknowingly we are perpetually exposed to it. Advertising is used as a way to get our attention so that we will buy the product or service that is being persuaded. Advertising is a critical role of marketing and since we are immersed in ads it is the best way to communicate on to consumers. There are many different ways advertising is used, such as billboards, Internet, newspapers, magazines, radio and most commonly in television. Television commercials are the biggest advertising technique, particularly during the super bowl because so many people are watching it. The aim of this report is to analyze the Chevy Colorado Super Bowl XLIX ad to see how effective/ineffective the ad was overall This particular ad starts out like the super bowl is returning from commercials, then it takes a twist and cuts out like you’re losing signal or connection and then the screen goes blank. To catch the audience’s attention the ad makes it seem like the television went out on the biggest game of the year. After a brief pause, you read “What would…show more content…
The Confidence-Building strategy was applied in a few different ways. The first way confidence building and credibility was built is that Chevrolet is the first brand of cars that have built in WI-FI in their vehicles. Credibility is built because other brands do not have 4G LTE WI-FI built into their automobiles, but Chevrolet does so this is one way they built credibility. The second way ethos is created is by their logo. Almost everyone knows the Chevrolet symbol because so many people have seen it through various types of media advertisements. Thus many people can distinguish the Chevrolet symbol it shows that credibility has been established. The final way that Chevrolet ad builds credibility is because chevy is trusted by so many, and so many people own chevy’s that they trust their vehicles and would buy

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