Characterization Of Anna Gatsby Character Quotes

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The character that I chose to write a brief analysis on is Anna Fitzgerald. Anna was a main character within the book because she basically was responsible for healing her sister Kate. She was the youngest child of the Fitzgerald family and she was genetically made as a perfect match for her sister Kate. When Kate was two years old, she was diagnosed with Leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. The book starts out with Anna wanting to sue her parents for the right of her own body. She explains to Campbell Alexander that she has been put through countless hospital stays, has been poked and prodded for years. Her sister, Kate now needs a kidney and Anna does not want to go through the surgery to donate one to her. She loves her sister…show more content…
Not many people have the opportunity to see what life is like for those that were conceived for a specific medical purpose. The reader gets insight that there is love within the Fitzgerald family, there is also plenty of sadness. Anna personalizes what a “test tube” baby is like as a teenager when he/she has a mind and feelings of their own. I enjoyed Anna out of all of the characters the most because it was extremely eye opening to see. Anna is funny, extremely intelligent, and has such a huge heart. I have never been put in a situation like this one, therefore I am embarrassed to say that I never thought about what life would be like for the child that grows into a teenager and then eventually an…show more content…
On their way home, Anna and Campbell are in a horrific accident, in which Anna is fatally wounded. At the end of My Sister’s Keeper, Campbell makes the final decision to donate Anna’s kidney to her sister Kate, so that she can live. The ending is tough. When I was researching information about the author Jodi Picoult, I came across an interview that was on her website. During the interview, she explained that her oldest son read the book and cried on the couch when he read the ending and was so mad at her that he did not speak to her for a few days. So with that being said, many people are going to think it was wrong to give Kate Anna’s kidney when that is not what either sister wanted. Personally, I am glad that the story had this ending because it goes to show that we truly do not know what we would do in this type of situation until it happens to us. Who’s to say this is what is right or wrong for another person. With Kate getting Anna’s kidney it is a form of Anna living on in her sister, since is such an amazing thing, since Anna did not survive the car

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