A STUDY ON VERTICAL MOBILITY OF EMPLOYEES IN PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CUDDALORE DISTRICT CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO BANKING Bank is defined in many ways by various authors in the book son economics and commerce. It is very difficult to define a bank; because a bank performs multifarious functions may be defined in many ways according to their functions. The evolution of different types of banks, each specializing in a particular field, gives emphasis on each
2 CHAPTER 1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND 1.1 Background of the Study Downsizing is a procedure that has been utilized generally by the organizations over the past two decades to face the entanglement developed with the different competitive surroundings. Downsizing is a kind of restructuring organizations in term of workforce degrading to get the required upgrade in work structure, restructure the organization and authorizing competent human resources to keep up the business intensity (Kulkarni, 2013)
multiple forms of expression and may be associated with behavioral disturbances. The clinical picture results from the interplay of multiple diagnoses of different severity, characteristics of the child, the nature of the school, and the abilities of the family. Often ,the full picture is not obvious after a single visit. Multiple visits across time may be required to understand the interactions and diagnoses that underlie the academic underachievement. There are many reasons for