Central Sales Tax Case Study

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Various types of taxes have been levied in India as direct and indirect taxes . Some of the most important taxes that result in the substantial accumulation of revenue for the government are sales tax, customs duty and excise duty. All these taxes have been levied through different enactments that provide for the rules and procedures for the assessment purposes. This chapter discusses the concept of Central Sales Tax (CST) in detail. You also learn about the basic scheme to be followed under CST Act. After that, you will identify and understand the different types of customs and excise duties and how their valuation is performed. At last, you will comprehend the latest addition in Indian taxation, i.e. GST Bill. 4.1.2 Central Sales Tax The state legislature of India was given the responsibility to impose sales tax on the purchase and sale of goods…show more content…
For provisions, such as return, assessment, and appeals, General Sales Tax law of the State is applicable . Please explain the following points. Better if you can use examples in the explanation. What CST? Why CST was imposed? What is the difference between CST and VAT? Exemptions from CST Self-Assessment Questions 1. Which of the following is not an objective of the Central Sales Tax? a) To make provisions for imposing, collecting and distributing taxes collected via import/export of goods and products b) To establish policies for determining the occurrence of sale and purchase of goods with reference to interstate commerce c) To classify goods in accordance with their necessity and importance for trade and commerce d) To assign the settlement of interstate trade disputes to competent authority 2. Sale is said to be ______________ if it causes the movement of goods from one State to another. a. Inter-state b. Intra-state c. Within states d. Among

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