Ceniwen Reilly Missing Heels Characters

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Ceinwen Reilly, the protagonist of Farran Smith Nehme’s novel Missing Reels, is the most entertaining character in the book because her personality is so unique. Readers will learn that she is quite sarcastic. Readers will find themselves chuckling at her witty comments. A few examples are “‘Happy mathematics’” (Loc 452) and “But when the woman gave a snappy little wave--I’m not a cab, thought Ceinwen--there was no choice” (Loc 198). It was also made clear from the very beginning that she is a classic film enthusiast when she mentions films such as Saratoga, Red Dust, The Ox-Bow Incident, The Old Maid, and Shanghai Express. She is so passionate about film that she wears vintage clothing and she studied film at Tisch School of the Arts. People

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