Carolina With His Daughter Analysis

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1. In the quote, imagery is being used to describe the institution that Dr. Henry sent Carolina with his daughter. The quote gives a detailed description of how the institution looks, smells, feels, and the noises that the Caroline could hear. The quote is using the human senses so that the readers can create an image in their head. So imagery is being used in the quote as a visual aid for the readers. 2. The author’s purpose for using imagery could be to give the readers information so that they can visualize what type of environment Caroline and Phoebe are in. The author could also be using imagery to set the mood. If the readers could imagine the setting, then they might be able to imagine what kind of feelings that Carolina may be experiencing; helping the readers feel more connected…show more content…
The simile is being used in the quote as a way to describe David’s relationship to something you can actually see. The quote describes how David’s lie, the rock, was always in the way of the relationship he had with his family, the trees. So the simile in the quote is just a technique that the author use to help her express what she wanted to say. 2. The author’s purpose for using a simile is to help describe what kind of a relationship David has with his family. By taking something invisible like a relationship and comparing it to something visible like a tree and boulder, the readers can visualize what type of relationship David has with his family. The author’s purpose for using a simile could also be because comparing David’s relationship with his family to something else was easier than giving a description of it. As if a simile was the only way to express what she wanted to say. 3. The quote reflects the overall theme that nothing in life is perfect because David tried to make his son’s life perfect and only made it worse by lying. 4. If I were David, at this point I would tell Norah and Paul the truth because either way David was already losing his

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